L's Melo Boy (our sire)

Melo (Mel-o) was born on December 2, 2011, in Wimberly, Texas.  His mom and dad are Daisy & Mack Truck Briggs.  We decided to get him after having Kila for about 1.5 years.  It was obvious that she could use a playmate, and Melo was her perfect match!
Getting some nephew love!..AMAZING w. kids ;)
Melo at 7 weeks.

Melo @ 12 weeks.

 loves to fetch!
6 month sneaker..

L's Kila Lee (our dam)

Kila (Ky-la) was born on July 21, 2010, in New Braunfels, Texas.  She was lucky enough to be born in my brothers home, allowing for consistent love and affection from day one.  
                                                                           7 weeks

Stalking squirrels @ 3 months..

4.5 months

Our lovely lady sun bathing @ 1 year :)

True Love

This amazing duo was united on January 21, 2012.  It was love at first sight!
he's growing on her ;)
more and more alike every day..
frolicking in the spring flowers together!