watch our video below ;)

Still Available to be your best friend!!!

 SOLD!  Minnie (female)

 SOLD!  Daisie (female)

 SOLD!  Lavie (female)

 SOLD!  Charger (male)

 SOLD!  Kilie (female)

 Koal (male)

 SOLD!  Patch (male)

 Our adorable little dog pile!!

Our 4 girls...Daisie, Kilie, Minnie, and Lavie.
                       Spotted brothers; Koal and Patch

Kilie likes to sleep and eat upside down!
Sweet Daisie dreaming of milk..
Koal sticking his tongue out at us..

Patch and his adorable brindle spots...
 Two of my favorite boys...Charger and Koal

Dad trying to go out and play with his pups..

 Best momma in the world!!
Happy Kila  :)

Grandmas & Grandpas

 Our dam's parents...Gnarly pulling his tire around..and Kirra lying pretty :)

Our sire's parents...Mack & Daisy playing in the woods!

Cutest litter EVER!!!!...

 SOLD!  Meet Minnie...#1 Female  (I look just like my mommy's mom!)

 Meet Daisie...#2 Female  (I look just like my daddy's mom)

 SOLD!  Meet Lavie...#3 Female

 SOLD!  Meet Charger...#4 Male  (white w. brindle on both eyes and left ear)

 SOLD!  Meet Kilie...#5 Female

SOLD!  Meet Bevo...#6 Male

 SOLD!  Meet King...#7 Male

 SOLD!   Meet Sham...#8 Male  (all white)

 Meet Koal...#9 Male

 SOLD!  Meet Patch...#10  Male
Email us at  to reserve your pup today!!!!